BEST Keto Diet plan for Diabetes Type 2 - Gabrielle's Success Story
As the pounds started to creep on, Gabrielle struggled to shift the weight and before she knew it she was classed as obese and had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. But it was following a "mortifying" routine trip to the dentist that Gabrielle realised she needed to take drastic action and is now unrecognisable after shedding weight.
The busy mum paid £11,500 for a gastric bypass after she found it “physically impossible” to sit up to spit and rinse at a dental check-up. She said: "I've always hated the dentist since I was a little girl, but this visit was particularly painful.
"After the examination, I was given some pink mouth rinse to swirl around before being told to lean forward and spit into the sink. "I found it physically impossible to do. I realised then I couldn't carry on like that."
Gabrielle had also been a size 12 but noticed her waistline expanding when she turned 40. Her clothes were getting tighter and tighter, and by the time she turned 41 she was two stone heavier and squeezing into a size 14.
She said: "I'd never really had a problem with food, but all that changed as I hit middle age.
“As I got heavier, I was feeling really tired and not like myself at all.”
By 2014 she was constantly feeling sluggish and tired and blood tests showed she had Type 2 diabetes.
It was recommended that she try a low glycaemic index (GI) diet - foods that are broken down more slowly by the body, leaving you fuller for longer.
Gabrielle said: "I tried it for a month, and if anything, my weight went up - not down."
She was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2014 and Gabrielle began taking daily shots of a drug that stimulates the release of insulin.
But she claims the medication she was prescribed led to yet more weight gain and by 2017, the 48-year-old housewife of Abbots Langley, Hertfordshire, reached her heaviest – an 170 pounds and size 16. At just 5ft 1in her body mass index (BMI) was 31.1 compared to the NHS recommended range of 18.5 to 24.9, and she was classed as obese.
Whilst she found she was feeling better in some ways, such as her energy levels, she said her weight was still steadily increasing. She tried everything from “fad diets” to vigorous exercise - including taking up with a personal trainer – but nothing seemed to be doing the trick.
Gabrielle said: “In early 2017, I went back to the doctors. They explained my body was absorbing blood sugar as it should be but, as a result, the cells in my body were storing extra glucose, which eventually turns into fat. "They said the best solution was to change my diet and exercise regime - but I’d already done that.”
it was in August, 2017, that Gabrielle, who has daughters, Alycia, 20,
and Casey, 18, hit rock bottom when she was too big to sit up in the
dentist’s chair after a routine appointment and she vowed to change. Determined to get healthy, Gabrielle paid $45 for Custom Keto Diet Online ( you can discover, check and buy it here )
She said: "I used to love fashion, but I would always hide behind casual, baggy clothes. Now, I love dressing up, wearing fitted, classy clothes. I love to go shopping. If I could, I'd go every day."
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